What is left to Discover?
So what is left to discover?
We truly believe that discovery is what drives us in life. By connecting with nature we are not only able to reconnect with ourselves but with one another.
This season our Discovery Team leads the way in showing the value that discovery adds to their lives. In specific activities they each welcome us to experience their own sense of discovery.
Bear Grylls
For Adventurer, Documentary Filmmaker and Survival Trainer, Bear Grylls, Discovery means always being hungry to explore the unknown.
What Bear Grylls thinks about Discovery
Bear has always been curious, never still but eager to discover off trodden paths.
... Bear puts himself against the challenges of Mother Nature over and over again.

Discover Bear’s favourite picks

Angela Neururer
For Mountain Girl, Nature Live and Creator, Angela Neururer, Discovery means being where she loves to be the most — out in the mountains.

Angela calms her mind skitouring, snowboarding, and enjoying the beauty of the forest with all senses.
Especially mountain lakes have a relaxing aura to her: “It’s the combination of crystal-clear water, mountain panorama and silence which fills my heart with joy.”

Eric Larsen
For Polar Adventurer, Expedition Guide and Cancer Survivor, Eric Larsen, Discovery means saying ‘yes’ to the most extreme challenges life holds for you.

Eric is an absolute expert in setting goals for himself that most people don’t even dream of.
But, to him, non of his fights through the ice, snow and cold of North and South Pole or Mount Everest stretched him to his limits as his fight against cancer did.

Gürel Sahin
For Landscape Photographer and Creator, Gürel Sahin, Discovery means taking a spontaneous road trip with a friend to one of his favourite photo spots.

For Gürel there is no better place for hunting the perfect sunrise shot than the dolomites.
Join him on a demanding night hike to show us what Discovery means to him: Being outdoors hunting for the Golden Hour.

Discover Gürel’s favourite picks

Anna Heupel
For Blogger, Photographer and self-chosen part-time Swede, Anna Heupel, Discovery means being breave enough to follow your inner voice and strive for a life of simplicity and freedom.

Through her work and her photographs, Anna wants to motivate people to live a free lifestyle.
For her there hasn’t been a bigger Discovery than relocating her life to her new part-time home: A cozy, tiny cabin in the midst of the Swedish forest.

Discover Anna’s favourite picks